Bed Stuy Restoration Plaza 10k Race Report
On Sunday morning NSQ and Deanna ventured out to Bed-Stuy (known as Do Or Die Bed Stuy back in the day, or Stuyvesant Heights nowadays as the real estate agents try blur some lines) for the Restoration Plaza 10k. They both came back with big, fat trophies, and svelte new PR's.
Deanna ran 38:09, and NSQ 38:55, both of which were 2+ minute improvements on their previous best. I was especially pleased to see that they both finished strong and showed the benefit of all the hard work they put in at the track this season. (Note Ms. Culbreath's heel kick and Ms. Sin Quees arm swing.)
Many thanks to Mark Pfeffer for the photos posted above, as well many more from the race. Congratulations ladies.
[For all the grammarians who are waiting to pounce on the redundancy of "new PR", please forgive me, but it just sounded better that way.]